(Casamicciola 1844-1898). Ordained a priest in 1866, he became pastor of a Casamicciola destroyed by the earthquake of 1883, in which he too wasmiraculously pulled from the rubble, and devoted his life to his country with an assiduous pastoral, with dedication and tireless hard work and love for the needy. Much has also worked for the reconstruction of the parish church. He published several works, including a Life of Our Lord Jesus Christ. Start the cause of beatification in 1991, he was declared Venerable in May 2002 by the decree on April 23 2002, reported in the Proceedings of the Congregation for the Causes of Saints, in which, among other things, says: “(Morgera) led the people in the ways of God not only through the work of his sacred ministry, but also with the holiness of his life, became an example of his flock. To exercise in the best possible way the mission entrusted to him by the Church with constant mind followed the example of the Good Shepherd, both in words and deeds striving to become another Christ. Constantly, generously and spiritual joy cultivated Christian and priestly virtues. He shone especially for faith, hope and charity. With mind and heart embraced the truths revealed and the Magisterium of the Church”.