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City of Barano

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The position of Barano and its farmhouses is unique on the island: it looks like a Mediterranean country, because far from the sea, in a prominent arrangement, between hills and mountains, valleys and fertile and lush plains. The campaigns of Moscardino, Maisyo, Belvedere, Cufo, Cesa, the Tower, Casabona, Cottage-and between-Moropano adjacency of other Cannavino, Tuoro Valley, Terzano, Finestra, make it more cheerful and smiling this interesting town. Indeed the air that you breathe in these places is very healthy: the houses are mostly one-storey but decent, clean with multi-storey building and buildings that contrast with the rest of this site are private dwellings. As equally elegant lodges are located between those campaigns.
The buildings of the main center of the town giving an air of distinction to the site, exposed in a beautiful location, explains to a horizon view of the picturesque, and beautiful by two points south-east and south.
The territory of Barano also has an ancient history, older than it seems, since the fertility of the soil, and its topographic position, sheltered between the hills and mountains.
>This natural advantage attracted the early settlers, Syracuse, Neapolitans, and Romans, and indeed at that time, the districts-where today Moropane- Barano, and Testaccio, were inhabited, and believed to be in reputation, for pure air, and the renowned and revered its sources of mineral-rich waters, which we regard as the oldest, and first used. We said on these famous waters because they were not inferior to those estimated very famous Umbria: venerated because under the protection of Apollo and the Nymphs nitrous, which gave name to the more specious source of this district, which was spoken of nitrous and then Nitroli. The bas-reliefs carved in the neighborhood confirmed this antiquity.
The mellowness of the soil attracted its ancient inhabitants, the air pure and balmy, that can enjoy healthy water that flows of nitrous, which was tested as portentous for some diseases, it is high PEL meal; for comfortable living - attracted new inhabitants, so that this land was first settled more than, so that Jasolino, who wrote a short account of this island in 1587 saying that after the earth Forio, was the house and no longer inhabited the island at that time was joined by a parish in Testaccio.
But there was a time that the district Barano remained depopulated and it was after the eruption of 1301: came the other in which the same district, and the land surrounding the ancient lost importance, and it was the fall of the Aragonese.
In 1544 these houses were also looted, like the rest of Serrara, the land of Forio and Panza, by the pirate Barbarossa, was most miserably and fearfully Barano thrown in squalor. Its inhabitants who survived were scattered around the island, some setting in tower somewhere in that range in elevation of land, other inane Gottaviello heights of the hill, and the other working days in those campaigns, the evening went to shelter in the castle of Ischia became the only refuge of islanders, to dodge the slavery, and violence of the Saracens.

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